Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Still waiting!

Yes, we are....albeit less patiently now :). Our due date came and went in anticlimatic fashion, which was a bit disappointing, but we have to move forward. We had a really nice weekend here - it was sunny and warm and time to get mama out of the house where she has been cooped up all week. So, we took a drive out to the coast for lobster rolls and chowder in Rockport, joking all the way (as we have for almost every meal or activity over the past 2 weeks) that this would be our last weekend alone for quite a while...unless junior decides to go to boarding school for kindergarten or skips right to college.

We are scheduled to go in to the hospital at 4pm on Sunday, so next week is shaping up to be pretty exciting! Cant wait to have some new pics to post up here!

I am also posting a pic of the amazing strawberry tart that Bren made on Easter Sunday - it deserves its moment here.


  1. i'm already obsessed with your blog! i'm so happy your doing one. do i predict that baby holt's name begins with the letter J? the blog's name is TB&...J? a play on words perhaps??? anyways, i'm in!

  2. now that looks delicious! yum yum yum!!
