Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fluffy kitty baby seeks uber-cute angel baby for friendship.

Dickens is getting a little old for this! Rudy (or Ruru, Poopoo-head, Bun-buns or Dum-dum as he is affectionately known around here mainly b/c he usually presents with a quantity of poopoo, stuck to his bunbuns, causing a bit of the dumdums) is on the lookout for someone a bit younger, preferrably baby-aged, to play and get in trouble with. At almost one year old now, Ruru is looking to lead the next generation of miscreants towards ulitmate rambunctiousness and and to pass on his savant-like knowledge in the art of staring at, and then chasing, nothing at all. Please help us in wishing Ruru luck in this endeavor...which is to say, keep your fingers cross that this baby comes soon!


  1. The baby's room looks so lovely....and ready.
    We are all waiting more or less patiently with you. I'll be checking this blog hourly over the next few days for updates. Come on, Baby Holt, your audience awaits your entrance.
    ..Nancy Adams

  2. mr. bigglesworth!
